Joseph William Montgomery
"Teaching Schools a Lesson"Joseph Montgomery earned his J.D. Degree from Widener University School of Law. While at Widener, Joseph completed the Intensive Trial Advocacy Program. Further, Joseph successfully competed in Alternative Dispute Resolution competitions and was a valuable member of his law school’s rugby team. Perhaps most notably, Joseph completed a semester of law school in Chongqinq, China where he acted as an international ambassador for Widener Law at the Southwest University of Politics and Law (SWUPL). Widener Law honored Mr. Montgomery with the outstanding service award as well as the pro bono distinction for his work in the community. Mr. Montgomery soon joined the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, where he prosecuted criminals for many successful years, spending most every day battling in court rooms. Mr. Montgomery believed that in starting his own practice, he could be more effective in helping people deal with specific legal issues, particularly education related. Mr. Montgomery founded Montgomery Law, LLC. Montgomery Law has allowed Mr. Montgomery to fully realize his passion for helping children and families at all levels of litigation and protection. He regularly teaches and lectures on the topic of special education law to groups of parents, educators, attorneys and other professionals. Montgomery enjoys aviation and is an avid pilot.
- Education Law
- Free Consultation
- Credit Cards Accepted
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
- 3rd Circuit
- English
- Shaw Law
- Current
- Special Education Department Chair
- Montgomery Law, LLC
- - Current
- Judicial Law Clerk
- Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas
- - Current
- Assistant District Attorney
- Philadelphia District Attorney's Office
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- Assistant District Attorney in Philadelphia, PA
- Widener University Delaware School of Law
- J.D. (2008)
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- Activities: Rugby, Alternative Dispute Resolution
- University of Tampa
- (2005) International Business
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- Rising Star
- Superlawyers
- No more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state are named to the Rising Stars list!
- Clients' Choice Award
- Avvo
- Clients' Choice Award
- Top Attorney - Education
- Avvo
- Top Attorney - Education
- Rising Star
- Superlawyers
- No more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state are named to the Rising Stars list!
- New Jersey State Bar  # 035492008
- Member
- Current
- Pennsylvania State Bar  # 209527
- Member
- Current
- Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA)
- Member
- Current
- Activities: The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates is a national American advocacy association of parents of children with disabilities, their attorneys, advocates, and others who support the educational and civil rights of children with disabilities.
- Special Education Laws Made Simple, National Business Institute (NBI), Philadelphia
- National Business Institute (NBI)
- Are you looking for a seminar that spells out schools' obligations and options under special education laws? Do you need a practical guide to FAPE, LRE and due process? This comprehensive course lays out the legal requirements and procedures, and examines the landmines to avoid. Learn from other schools' missteps in applicable case studies, and get compliance tips from experienced attorney faculty on evaluating students, developing IEPs, making placement decisions, handling due process proceedings and managing behavioral issues. It's sure to be a jam-packed day of information you can't afford to miss. Register today!
- School Safety Law, National Business Institute (NBI), Philadelphia
- National Business Institute (NBI)
- Of all the issues currently affecting school districts, safety is one of the most critically important. It is vital for school districts to ensure the physical protection of students and staff while not inadvertently infringing upon their rights. This balance creates areas of legal liability that are vitally important for teachers and administrators to understand. Increased use of school resource officers has also created areas of confusion for school districts and police departments alike. Join our experienced faculty and get the information you need to create a safe learning environment for students while ensuring their rights are protected - order today!