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Practice Areas
- Business Law
- Criminal Law
- Intellectual Property
Additional Practice Areas
- Anticounterfeiting
- Copyrights
- False Advertising Practice Group
- General Civil
- Intellectual Property and Technology
Professional Experience
- Sr. Associate
- Norton Rose Fulbright
- Current
- Brooklyn Law School
- J.D.
- cum laude
- Jessica was a Notes and Comments Editor for the Brooklyn Law School Journal of International Law. She was also a legal intern for Justice Michael J. Garson of the New York Supreme Court
- B.S.
- Finance, Jessica was a Richardson Merit Scholar and the recipient of two CALI Awards for the highest grade in a class. In addition, Kings County. She is admitted to practice in New York.,
Professional Associations
- Current
- Activities: American Bar Association
- Current
- Activities: Association of the Bar of the City of New York
- Current
- Activities: Trademark and Unfair Competition Committee, Secretary
- Current
- Activities: Women IP Joint Sub-committee
- Current
- Activities: The International Trademark Association (INTA)
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
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