(727) 371-9730
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Jesse Abraham Haskins
Legal Knowledge
Legal Analysis
Communication Skills
Ethics and Professionalism
What Lawyers Are Saying

Joseph Bracken
July 15, 2020
Jesse Haskins is an intelligent and diligent attorney. Jesse and I worked together for close to a year on a litigation case that encompassed several legal disciplines, such as criminal law, probate, and bankruptcy. The case was a difficult up-hill battle with a voluminous amount of document review and analysis spanning over several decades. We achieved a successful outcome against a well-respected attorney largely due to Jesse’s positive attitude, perseverance, and wise legal strategy.
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Alexander Rittenhouse Brick
July 14, 2020
I have worked alongside and against hundreds if not thousands of attorneys and can confirm Jesse Haskins is among the best.
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Trevor Suter
July 8, 2020
I have known Mr. Haskins for approximately seven years, over four of which as a coworker. Mr. Haskins always does excellent work.
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