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Jerry Lutkenhaus

Jerry Lutkenhaus

  • Social Security Disability, Workers' Compensation
  • Iowa, Virginia
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Lawyer Rating and Reviews
Legal Knowledge
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Ethics and Professionalism
Justia Lawyer Rating - 10.01 review
About the Justia Lawyer Rating
William Carroll Cremins
William Carroll Cremins February 4, 2019
Rating: 10 Lawyer Rating - 10 out of 10
Jerry is patient beyond description and good working with difficult people on the other side. View More
Q. How do you know this lawyer?
  • Other

Consulting lawyer re: VA. law.

Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
  • Represented Me or My Company

Consult regarding VA law.

Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
Over several years and continuing to date.
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?

Trustworthy and knowledgeable, Jerry always gives correct advice without much delay.

Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:

Legal Knowledge: Excellent

Jerry is experienced and intelligent. He knows VA. law and won’t hesitate to share.

Legal Analysis: Excellent

A good grasp of the law impresses me every time I consult Jerry.

Communication Skills: Excellent

Quick replies and always succinctly expressed, Jerry’s consultations are always clear and on point.

Ethics and Professionalism: Excellent

Iowa law grad. Enough said about that for any who know the fine tradition taught at Iowa law schools.

Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
Social Security and injuries.
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
  • Client Relations
  • Litigation
  • Trials
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends