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Jeff Trevillion Jr.

Jeff Trevillion Jr.

  • Tax Law, White Collar Crime, Business Law...
  • Oklahoma, Texas
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Justia Lawyer Rating - 10.01 review
About the Justia Lawyer Rating
Robert Donald Gifford II
Robert Donald Gifford II January 4, 2021
Rating: 10 Lawyer Rating - 10 out of 10
Mr. Trevillion's unique background in both tax law and as a federal civil and criminal litigator make him a force multiplier for any trial team. He is gentleman in and out of the courtroom, and puts his client first. View More
Q. How do you know this lawyer?
  • Other

Co-counsel in federal tax litigation matter and opposing counsel in past cases.

Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
  • Same Client
  • Opposing Client

Served as co-counsel for a small business doing battle against the IRS in a federal civil matter, and opposed one another when he was a defense attorney in federal court while I was an Assistant U.S. Attorney

Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
2012-2015; 2019.
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?

Mr. Trevillion's deep knowledge of both federal criminal law and the tax code made him both a formidable opponent and perfect co-counsel in federal litigation.

Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:

Legal Knowledge: Excellent

Mr. Trevillion's knowledge of both federal criminal law and the tax code as both a CPA and attorney-litigator exceeded most normal attorneys who practice in federal courts, and even more so in criminal cases.

Legal Analysis: Excellent

Mr. Trevillion was a dogged researcher and knew how to apply arcane areas of the law in complex litigation.

Communication Skills: Excellent

Mr. Trevillion is well-spoken, articulate, and is a talented courtroom lawyer in front of a judge or a jury.

Ethics and Professionalism: Excellent

Mr. Trevillion is a man of his word, and his reputation as such is widely known in the legal community.

Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
Federal litigation; tax litigation; white collar investigations; trial and appellate.
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
  • Appeals
  • Arbitration
  • Business Advising
  • Client Relations
  • Collaboration
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Drafting
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Financial Literacy (handling client funds)
  • Legal Research
  • Legal Writing
  • Litigation
  • Mediation
  • Negotiation
  • Oral Argument
  • Problem Solving
  • Trials
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends