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Practice Areas
- Business Law
- Securities Law
Additional Practice Areas
- Corporate & Securities
- Corporate and Securities »
Professional Experience
- Attorney at Law
- Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC
- Current
- University of South Carolina School of Law
- J.D
- Order of the Wig and Robe, Member, 1993 &ndash, 1995, and Associate Editor, 1994 &ndash, 1995, South Carolina Environmental Law Journal, Moot Court Bar and Craven Competition Team, Student Member, John Belton O&rsquo, Neall Inn of Court, 1994, 1995.
- Clemson University
- B.S
- Financial Management, with a concentration in Corporate Finance and a minor in Accounting, Member, Calhoun College Honors Program and the Golden Key National Honor Society.
Professional Associations
- Current
- Activities: Member, South Carolina Bar
- Current
- Activities: Admitted to the bar, 1995 South Carolina
- Current
- Activities: Admitted to practice before U
- Current
- Activities: District Court for the District of South Carolina
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