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Professional Experience
- Senior Counsel
- Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
- Current
- Current
- Coalition for A Level Playing Field v. AutoZone, et al. - Horizontal & vertical price fixing, monopolization & price discrimination, automotive parts industry (S.D.N.Y.).
- Current
- Sanders v. Lockyer, et al. - Horizontal price fixing class action, cigarette industry (N.D. Cal.).
- Current
- Smith v. Philip Morris, et al. - Horizontal price fixing class action, cigarette industry (Kansas State Court).
- Current
- Romero v. Philip Morris, et al. - Horizontal price fixing class action, cigarette industry (New Mexico State Court).
- Current
- Genesee Vending v. Lorillard - price discrimination class action (E.D. Mich.)
- Current
- Mad Rhino, et al. v. Sony Music Group, et al. - Price discrimination class action, recorded music industry (C.D. Cal.).
- Current
- United Magazine Co. v. Time Warner, Inc., et al. - Price discrimination action, magazine distribution industry (S.D.N.Y.).
- Current
- In re Compact Disc Minimum Advertised Price Litigation (multi-district proceeding) - Horizontal & vertical price fixing class actions, recorded music industry (D. Maine); numerous state court class actions, FTC action and state attorneys general action.
- Current
- In re Recorded Music Price Fixing Litigation (multi-district proceeding) - Horizontal price fixing class actions, recorded music industry (C.D. Cal.); and numerous state court class actions.
- Current
- Williamson Oil Co. v. Philip Morris et al. (multi-district proceeding) - Horizontal price fixing class actions, cigarette industry (N.D. Ga.); and numerous state court class actions.
- Current
- In re Nine West Antitrust Litigation - Horizontal and price fixing class action, women's shoe industry (S.D.N.Y.)
- Current
- DeLoach v. Philip Morris, et al. - Horizontal price fixing & horizontal market divisions, tobacco industry (M.D.N.C.).
- Current
- In re Lorazepam Antitrust Litigation (multi-district proceeding) - Monopolization & exclusive dealing class actions, generic drug industry (D.D.C.); numerous state court class actions, FTC action and state attorneys general action.
- Current
- In re Magazine Subscription Price Fixing Litigation - Horizontal price fixing class action, magazine subscription industry (S.D.N.Y. ).
- Current
- In re Toys R. Us Antitrust Litigation - Boycott class action, toy industry (E.D.N.Y.); numerous state court class actions, FTC action and state attorneys general action.
- Current
- In re Western New York Coupon Price Fixing Litigation (state attorney general action) - Horizontal & vertical price fixing, grocery industry (W.D.N.Y.).
- Current
- American Airlines v. United States - US Department of Justice price fixing suit, airline industry (D.D.C.) and state attorneys general action.
- Current
- In re Transportation Antitrust Litigation (multi-district proceeding) - Horizontal price fixing, airline industry (N.D.Ga.) and numerous state court class actions.
- Current
- Northwest Airlines, et al. v. American Airlines - Monopolization, airline industry (S.D.Tex.).
- Current
- Caribe BMW v. BMW AG, et al. - Price discrimination, automobile industry (D.P.R.).
- Current
- Reisner v. General Motors Corp. - Boycott and tying arrangement, automobile industry (S.D.N.Y).
- Current
- In re Blue Coral, Inc. - FTC deceptive advertising action, engine oil additive (FTC).
- Current
- Slick 50 Class Action Litigations- Numerous state court deceptive advertising class actions.
- Current
- Milli Vanilli Litigations (multi-district proceeding) - Deceptive advertising class actions (C.D. Cal.) and numerous state court class actions.
- Columbia University
- J.D.
- City College of New York
- B.A.
Articles & Publications
Speaking Engagements
- Practical Implications of the Supreme Court Resale Price Maintenance Decision (Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP25th floor conference center, August 02, 2007) more
- Category Management Guidelines (Washington DC, June 23, 2003)
- Dual Distribution (New York, May 15, 2003)
- 43rd Annual Antitrust Law Institute, "Discrimination in Price and Promotion. Sponsored by PLI. (New York, NY, May 16, 2002)
- Hot Topics, "Toys "R" Us." Sponsored by American Bar Association - Antitrust Section. (Washington DC, March 29, 2001)
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
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