Practice Areas
- Antitrust Law
- Business Law
- Securities Law
Additional Practice Areas
- Antitrust
- Corporate
- Finance
- Securities Transactions
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- All German local courts (Amtsgerichte), district courts (Landgerichte) and appellate courts (Oberlandesgerichte)
Professional Experience
- Kaye Scholer
- Current
- University of Frankfurt
- Doctorate of Law, summa cum laude, thesis in German Antitrust Law
Professional Associations
- Current
- Activities: Advisory Council of Research Institute Technology Law at Heidelberg University
- Current
- Activities: International Bar Association (Section on Business Law)
- Current
- Activities: Former Memberships
- Current
- Activities: Committee on Competition Law of the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (Federation of German Industries, BDI)
- Current
- Activities: Committee on Commercial Law of the Vereinigung der Chemischen Industrie (Association of German Chemical Industries, VCI)
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website