H. Scott Aalsberg
Ranked Top Ten Criminal Lawyers by NACDA & Top 25 by the National Trial LawyersAttorney Aalsberg has received National Recognition for his Excellence by 5 Top National Legal Organizations including both the National Trial Lawyers and The National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys. With 30 years of experience Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg is the Criminal - DWI- and Traffic Ticket Lawyer you need when only Winning Counts. Attorney Aalsberg is endorsed by over 220 Attorneys Nationwide and has been interviewed by numerous news organizations from ABC, CBS and even the NJ Star Ledger. Attorney Aalsberg's ratings across numerous legal organizations speaks for itself. For industry awards Attorney Aalsberg is ranked nationally as one of the Top Ten Criminal Lawyers by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys, and has been selected for the past 2 years as one of the Top 25 Lawyers by the National Trial lawyers Association and before then as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers. He is ranked in the Top 1% of Attorneys by both the National Association of Distinguished Counsel and the Distinguished Justice Advocates. He holds a perfect 10.0 rating from AVVO and Justia and is rated one of the Ten Best Lawyers for client satisfaction from the National Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys and 10 Best Criminal Lawyers by the American Jurist Institute. Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg is the Attorney you need if getting the best result for your case is your Top Priority. Please note that No Aspect of this Advertisement or the Awards/Accolades mentioned herein has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. To find the selection method for each award please go to each named awards website. Attorney Aalsberg offers a Free In Office Consultations in limited matters all other matters are subject to a $250.00 consultation fee during normal business hours.
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
- Traffic Tickets
- Suspended License
- Communications & Internet Law
- Internet Law, Media & Advertising, Telecommunications Law
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
- Free Consultation
Credit Cards Accepted
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Debit Cards
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- English: Spoken, Written
- Spanish: Spoken, Written
- H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C. Attorneys at Law
- Current
- University of South Dakota School of Law
- J.D. (1991)
- Top 100 Trial Lawyers
- National Trial Lawyers
- Selected One of The Top Ten Criminal Lawyers
- National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys
- Best 10 Lawyers
- National Institute of Criminal Lawyers
- Best 10 DWI/DUI Lawyers
- American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys
- Best 10 Lawyers
- National Institute of Criminal Lawyers
- American Criminal Law Institute
- Member
- - Current
- National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys
- - Current
- Activities: Ranked Top 10 Criminal Lawyer
- National Trial Lawyers
- Member
- - Current
- Nevada State Bar  # 6200
- Member
- - Current
- New Jersey Criminal, DWI and Traffic Offense Law
- 123 CLE
- Top Attorney
- Attorney.com
- Top 100 Trial Lawyers
- National Trial Lawyers
- Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorneys National Ranking
- National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys
- 10 Best Lawyers for Client Satisfaction
- National Institute of Criminal Lawyers
- Q. How to contest or reduce a $86 improper turn fine on CDL in NJ?
- A: You can contest a ticket two ways. 1) Do it yourself: Call the court and tell them you would like to plead not guilty and wish to have a trial or 2) you can hire a lawyer to do this for you and your lawyer will conduct the trial with you in your presence at court. Remember a good lawyer knows the defenses to each type of ticket, and more importantly the defenses that work. Lastly please note when you request to plead not guilty and have a court date generally you will pay a higher fine to the court and court costs, but still this is a lot cheaper then the points on the ticket as a good lawyer may be able to eliminate those points for you. For most people the smartest choice is to hire a ... Read More
- Q. Can I reduce my fine for an improper turn violation under section 39:4-123 in NJ?
- A: I would not worry about the fine its pennies compared to the cost of the 3 points on your CDL license that this ticket would give you. I would suggest hiring a good lawyer to try to eliminate those points. Most of us traffic ticket lawyers offer a free in office consultation, google one of us and setup the in office consultation to learn how we can help you. But remember this famous statement "a cheap lawyer is never good and a good lawyer is never cheap."
- Q. Can a dentist charge me after I cancel a contract with no work done?
- A: An attorney would need to review the contract to tell you what your rights are, so the answer is maybe. If its a lot of money have a lawyer review the contract and get the proper answer before you pay. Sure a lawyer will charge you but it is probably a lot less than what the dentist is probably requesting/charging.