H. Scott Aalsberg
Ranked Top Ten Criminal Lawyers by NACDA & Top 25 by the National Trial LawyersAttorney Aalsberg has received National Recognition for his Excellence by 5 Top National Legal Organizations including both the National Trial Lawyers and The National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys. With 30 years of experience Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg is the Criminal - DWI- and Traffic Ticket Lawyer you need when only Winning Counts. Attorney Aalsberg is endorsed by over 220 Attorneys Nationwide and has been interviewed by numerous news organizations from ABC, CBS and even the NJ Star Ledger. Attorney Aalsberg's ratings across numerous legal organizations speaks for itself. For industry awards Attorney Aalsberg is ranked nationally as one of the Top Ten Criminal Lawyers by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys, and has been selected for the past 2 years as one of the Top 25 Lawyers by the National Trial lawyers Association and before then as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers. He is ranked in the Top 1% of Attorneys by both the National Association of Distinguished Counsel and the Distinguished Justice Advocates. He holds a perfect 10.0 rating from AVVO and Justia and is rated one of the Ten Best Lawyers for client satisfaction from the National Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys and 10 Best Criminal Lawyers by the American Jurist Institute. Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg is the Attorney you need if getting the best result for your case is your Top Priority. Please note that No Aspect of this Advertisement or the Awards/Accolades mentioned herein has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. To find the selection method for each award please go to each named awards website. Attorney Aalsberg offers a Free In Office Consultations in limited matters all other matters are subject to a $250.00 consultation fee during normal business hours.
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
- Traffic Tickets
- Suspended License
- Communications & Internet Law
- Internet Law, Media & Advertising, Telecommunications Law
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
- Free Consultation
Credit Cards Accepted
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Debit Cards
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- English: Spoken, Written
- Spanish: Spoken, Written
- H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C. Attorneys at Law
- Current
- University of South Dakota School of Law
- J.D. (1991)
- Top 100 Trial Lawyers
- National Trial Lawyers
- Selected One of The Top Ten Criminal Lawyers
- National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys
- Best 10 Lawyers
- National Institute of Criminal Lawyers
- Best 10 DWI/DUI Lawyers
- American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys
- Best 10 Lawyers
- National Institute of Criminal Lawyers
- American Criminal Law Institute
- Member
- - Current
- National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys
- - Current
- Activities: Ranked Top 10 Criminal Lawyer
- National Trial Lawyers
- Member
- - Current
- Nevada State Bar  # 6200
- Member
- - Current
- New Jersey Criminal, DWI and Traffic Offense Law
- 123 CLE
- Top Attorney
- Attorney.com
- Top 100 Trial Lawyers
- National Trial Lawyers
- Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorneys National Ranking
- National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys
- 10 Best Lawyers for Client Satisfaction
- National Institute of Criminal Lawyers
- Q. Is my spouse entitled to my inherited farm in NJ after 43 years of marriage?
- A: A lot depends on how long you have had it and whether you used marital assets to sustain the property or used estate assets. A judge will also look at the fact that the spouse did live on the property. I suggest you setup an in person consultation with a lawyer to determine what is most likely to happen to your property. As stated a lot depends on specific facts of your case, the county that you are in and the judge that your likely to get all of which require an in office consultation or at least a phone consultation which is much more than a free consultation would encompass.
- Q. I accidentally parked in a handicapped space and got a ticket. Should I pay the fine or go to court and explain
- A: Most courts make this a mandatory court appearance since the judge will generally set the penalty and review your record to see if you have prior offenses. Without knowing these facts of your case an attorney can't tell you whether to pay it or go to court. What I can tell you is before making decision know the penalties for the offense which in general are below: the penalty for a first offense of parking in a handicapped space is a fine of $250. Subsequent offenses may result in a fine of at least $250 and/or up to 90 days of community service.
- Q. Can a simple assault domestic violence charge be dropped?
- A: Yes it could be dropped if you have a lot of luck and a great lawyer. Domestic Violence charges are one of the five most prosecuted crimes in NJ to which prosecutors are laothe to drop let alone downgrade. Having done this line of work for over 30 years of course I have had many dropped but its the exception not the rule. You need to make sure the attorney you choose is very familiar with the laws surrounding domestic violence matters. Just remember like in any other field you get the quality you pay for so if winning is important don't look for the cheapest but the best.