Elizabeth Grumet Gonzalez

Elizabeth Grumet Gonzalez

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  • Employment Law, Civil Rights
  • California
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Social Media
Practice Areas
Employment Law
Civil Rights
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
State Bar of California
Placeholder image for jurisdictions.
  • English: Spoken, Written
  • Spanish: Spoken, Written
Professional Experience
The Grumet Gonzalez Law Firm
- Current
Associate Attorney
Law Offices of Laura J. Farris
Staff Attorney
Disability Rights California
Contract Attorney
Law Ofices of Gerald Singleton
San Diego Fire Lawyers
Law Clerk
Disability Rights California
Law Clerk
Employee Rights Center
Law Clerk
Railroad Union Labor Rights
Sports Manager
Special Olympics Northern California
University of California - Santa Cruz
B.A. | American & Latino Studies
University of California - Santa Cruz Logo
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
J.D. (2009)
Honors: Highest Grade Award, Legal Writing
Activities: Co-President, National Lawyer’s Guild at Thomas Jefferson School of Law; Co-President, Environmental Law Society at Thomas Jefferson School of Law; Organized, promoted, presented disability awareness/Lanterman Act educational event on campus.
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Logo
Articles & Publications
Chevron/Texaco’s Ethno/Eco-Cide of the Ecuadorean Amazon: The Survival of the Cofán
American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy and Resources
Websites & Blogs
Contact & Map
The Grumet Gonzalez Law Firm
501 W Broadway
Ste. 800
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (760) 884-7508