Edna Carroll Straus
Edna Carroll Straus' Response: Unfortunately, this is a particular person's point of view. In point of fact, upon review of PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, i.e. probate notes, I discovered that this person was unaware of a key fact. When I informed her of this, she became rather upset, and the only thing I was able to accomplish after this was field calls and emails expressing her feelings on the matter. FWIW this has all taken place in a few days. *I had already started work on this highly complex matter prior to her retaining me. which I also referenced in the flat fee retainer agreement. FWIW I have repeatedly told her I stand ready to do what I agreed to do. Probate cases commonly involve emotions and hurt feelings. (I not only explained this to her PRIOR to her hiring me, I referenced in in the retainer agreement.) I am absolutely sympathetic to her feelings, but in this case they seem a bit "over the top", and are getting in the way of further progress. She wants a refund of the flat fee not because I did no work, but because of her distress. (Cliff Notes version!)