Unethical, lack of professionalism and knowledge
She promised me that she could get protection (restraining order) for my daughter against a defendant who had pleaded guilty in the criminal court. However, this lawyer came to the court unprepared. At the time of the hearing, she could not argue the
defense attorney because she is clearly lack of knowledge and experience. And out of sudden, she sided with the defense attorney and started attacking her own client in front of everyone, including spilling out racial prejudices and insulting a foreign culture that has nothing to do with me. She also went on insulting a young child who is suffering from PTSD. My child is a victim of an assault. Basically, she criticized all people who suffer from PTSD as self-pity that they don't want to move out of the trauma in the past. That's exactly what her words were. That shows zero ethics and zero professionalism as an attorney. She drags the case to fill in her pocket even when it means she has to lie. And, she breached confidentiality agreement by discussing my case with people I did not authorize. Beware