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Practice Areas
- Securities Law
- Tax Law
Additional Practice Areas
- Investment Management
- Tax
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- England and Wales
- New York
Professional Experience
- Partner
- Schulte Roth & Zabel International
- Current
- London School of Economics
- Columbia Law School
- J.D.
- Columbia University
- A.B.
- cum laude
Speaking Engagements
- “Alternative Leaders Strategy 2008: The Newsmakers,” GAIM International 2008 Conference, Monaco, June 17–19"Tax and ERISA Planning: U.K and U.S. Perspectives," SRZ 17th Annual Private Investment Funds Seminar, January 2008
- “Structuring the Deal,” Financial Research Associates’ Hedge Fund Incubation and Seeding Conference, London, March 2007"UK and US Hedge Fund Tax Developments," SRZ 6th Annual Hedge Funds Hot Topics Seminar, October 2007“6th Annual Excellence in Absolute Returns Forum,” Fortune Group, 2006
- GAIM (Global Alternative Investment Management) International Hedge Fund Conference
- Has also spoken at conferences and seminars sponsored by: Hedge MAR (Bermuda conference), Investment Management Network, Opal, IBC, Practising Law Institute, New York State Bar Association, NYU Tax and Real Estate Institutes, New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants, Institute for International Research, and SRZ.
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
Contact & Map