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Blake Nathaniel Dore

Blake Nathaniel Dore

Because Everyone Needs a Good Lawyer
  • Traffic Tickets, DUI & DWI, Criminal Law ...
  • Oregon, Washington
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Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A

I am dedicated to your defense. My practice includes the full range of criminal cases including traffic tickets, minor in possession, drug manufacture and possession charges and domestic violence (DV) charges. I also do civil matters such as no contact orders, restraining orders and forfeitures.

Having defended hundreds of cases, I have a established a reputation as a zealous advocate for my clients. I focus on reaching the best possible outcome for your case - whether a plea bargain or challenging the charge at trial.

Practice Areas
Traffic Tickets
Suspended License
Criminal Law
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
Appeals & Appellate
Civil Appeals, Federal Appeals
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
  • Free Consultation
  • Credit Cards Accepted
  • Rates, Retainers and Additional Information
    Hourly and flat fee rates available.
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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Federal Circuit
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  • English: Spoken, Written
  • Spanish: Spoken, Written
Professional Experience
Dore Law Firm, LLC
- Current
Doré Long, LLC
Dore Long is a collaboration between attorneys Blake Dore and Morgan Long to bring the best legal help at reasonable rates through the Portland metro area including Vancouver. Call for a consult!
Dore Law Firm, LLC
I formed Dore Law Firm, LLC to provide high quality, reasonably priced legal services to the people of the Portland metro area including Clark County. I focus on criminal defense, civil litigation and estate planning. Everyone needs a good lawyer - let me be yours!
Defense Attorney
Vancouver Defenders
Blake has established a reputation as a zealous advocate for his clients. He focuses on reaching the best possible outcome for client's cases whether a plea bargain or challenging the charge at trial. Practice Areas include: Infractions, tickets, misdemeanors, felonies, Assault, Theft, Malicious Mischief, Driving While Suspended, Harassment, Manufacture and Possession of Drugs Domestic Violence Charges, No Contact and Restraining Orders
Lewis & Clark Law School
J.D. | Law
Honors: Best Mock Appellate Brief, 2004
Lewis & Clark Law School Logo
Professional Associations
American Bar Association
- Current
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- Current
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Washington Defenders Association
- Current
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Washington Committee on Diversity
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Websites & Blogs
Legal Answers
8 Questions Answered
Q. Do I have to pay for discovery's I request? Traffic
A: Generally, in traffic cases you have to track down the discovery you want. With OSP, you should send a letter to their records department with a $25.00 check. That's usually their minimum fee. They will notify you if there are further fees that need to be paid. Unfortunately, OSP is extremely slow in providing discovery and your court date may come and go before you receive anything. Traffic cases can be deceptively difficult to win. You may wish to consult with or hire an attorney to help you make your best case. Good luck!
Q. Can the court accept a nolo contendere plea when there is no evidence to indicate guilt? In Oregon
A: It certainly isn't supposed to do that. See ORS § 135.395 -

Determining accuracy of plea -

After accepting a plea of guilty or no contest, the court shall not enter a judgment without making such inquiry as may satisfy the court that there is a factual basis for the plea. [1973 c.836 §169]

Most courts either have the State lay a factual basis or ask defense counsel if there is a factual basis for the plea. If there aren't sufficient facts, the court shouldn't accept the plea.
Q. Transfering Parol to a different state
A: It's possible to transfer your supervision to another state by going through the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS). Check out the ICAOS rules here: to see if you would qualify and talk with your PO to see how to begin the process.

Good luck!
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Contact & Map
Main Portland Office
4511 SE 63rd Ave.
Suite E
Portland, OR 97206
Telephone: (503) 683-3642
Fax: (503) 482-7424
Monday: 9 AM - 5 PM (Today)
Tuesday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Thursday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed