Practice Areas
- Arbitration & Mediation
- Business Law
- Intellectual Property
Additional Practice Areas
- Design Right
- Dispute Resolution
- General Civil
- General Litigation
- Patents
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- All German Local Courts (Amtsgerichte); all German District Courts (Landgerichte); all German Higher District Courts (Oberlandesgerichte)
Professional Experience
- Kaye Scholer
- Current
- University of Dresden
- Ph.D
- Law
- University of Exeter
- Law Master in Intellectual Property Law, UK, /University of Dresden
- Law School
- Universities of Bonn, Heidelberg, Freiburg, 2000
Professional Associations
- Current
- Activities: German Lawyers' Association (DAV)
- Current
- Activities: German-American Lawyers' Association (DAJV)
- Current
- Activities: German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyrights (GRUR)
- Current
- Activities: Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP)
- Current
- Activities: Information
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website