Bartosz Jozwiak
IP + NewTech Lawyer. Introducing foreign tech companies to the Polish market.
I'm an IP law / Unfair competition / New tech / Startup attorney at law with 17 years of experience. For the last few years, my main focus is to provide, together with my team, the overall legal advice to international clients active in Poland in the IT industry.
Within that, we focus not only on IP law, but have a deep understanding of legal processes related to the entire business activity of the client (with such topics as employment structuring and effectiveness, taxes, office rent, internal confidentiality procedures, personal data protection, but also - creating, adjusting and helping to manage the strategy over clients' IP rights).
I am an author of publications in Polish and in English on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions and business methods. I am also co-creator of two-years-old initiative of monthly online meetings of Polish IP lawyers (it's called "Meet(IP)ings" and we hold them every month on ZOOM with more then 100 attendees everytime).
I like working with creative people. We are not 100% litigation focused firm, but we do litigate for authors (photographers, musicians, IT developers).
I also counsel Italian companies and law firms and I do that in Italian. I studied for a year in Italy (Genoa) and it was a life-changing experience. I'm an enthusiast of Italian culture, cuisine, and wines since then.
- Intellectual Property
- Trademarks
- Trademark Litigation
- International Law
- Imports & Exports
- Patents
- Patent Litigation
- Business Law
- Business Contracts, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Franchising, Partnership & Shareholder Disputes
- Communications & Internet Law
- Internet Law, Media & Advertising
- Aviation Law and Aircraft Transactions
- FaceTime
- Google Meet
- Skype
- Zoom
- GoToMeeting
- Microsoft Teams
- WebEx
Free Consultation
I am happy to discuss in broad terms the issue for a better understanding of how I can help and for the client to get to know my conduct.
- Poland, European Union
- ID Number: Krajowa Izba Radców Prawnych (National Chamber of Legal Advisers)
- English: Spoken, Written
- Italian: Spoken, Written
- Polish: Spoken, Written
- District Chamber of Legal Advisers
- Radca Prawny (Attorney at Law) (2011) | Law
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- Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan (Poland)
- magister (Master of laws) (2005) | Giurisprudence
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- Universita' degli Studi di Genova (Italy)
- Socrates Erasmus attendee (2005) | Law (Giurisprudenza)
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- The best Masters thesis on Industrial Propery Law
- Polish Patent Office and Ministry of Education
- Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe  # RP01696
- Member
- Current
- Are Business Methods not patentable anymore? Practice vs Bilski case (Czy metody prowadzenia dzialalnosci gospodaczej przestaly byc patentowalne? Dotychczasowa praktyka a sprawa Bilski
- C.H. Beck [
- Computer-implemented Inventions - the Evolution of Case Law of Boards of Appeals of the European Patent Office [in: Recent Developments in IP Law. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiello?skiego. Prace Instytutu Prawa W?asno?ci Intelektualnej]
- WoltersKluwer and Jaggielonian University of Cracow
- Wynalazki urzeczywistniane za pomoc? komputera w wybranych systemach prawnych (computer-implemented inventions in selected giurisdictions)
- WoltersKluwer and Jaggielonian University of Cracow
- Website
- Our firm's website