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Practice Area
- Business Law
Additional Practice Area
- Corporate
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Illinois
- Illinois, 1998
Professional Experience
- Partner
- Ropes & Gray
- Current
- Current
- Andrew has significant experience counseling publicly traded companies, leveraged buyout and private equity funds, and their portfolio companies in both transactions and general corporate matters, including: Themulti-billiondollar acquisition of a leading provider of technology products and services by a leading private equity firm, including the issuance of $2 billion of senior and senior subordinated bridge loans The acquisition of a global distributor of laboratory supplies by a leading private equity firm, including with respect to the tender offers for four series of outstanding high yield bonds of the target and its affiliates A nationaltelecommunications service provider's $100 million initial public offering and $93million follow-on secondary offering The issuance and sale of $1.1 million of senior notes in connection with the financing of various hedging transactions fora competitiveenergy provider The $95.7 million public offering of a diversifiedagribusiness and retailer'scommon stock The $3.6 billion issuance and sale of senior notes in connection with a competitive energy provider's purchase of another energy provider.At the time, theoffering was the second largest non-investment grade bond issuance in history The $175 million public offering of common stock by a leading U.S. organic residuals recyclerowned by a leading private equity firm The $448 million initial public offering of a national consumer products company The issuance and sale of $210 million of senior subordinated notes in connection with the leveraged buyout of a national consumer products company for a large private equity firm The issuance and sale of $50 million of senior notes fora nationalclothing distributor The issuance and sale of $1.725 billion of second priority senior secured notes in connection with a leading competitive energy provider's emergence from bankruptcy The issuance and sale of approximately $1.35 billion of senior notes and units consisting of warrants and senior subordinated notes in connection with a leading private equity firm's leveraged buyout ofa European leader of paper based packaging The issuance and sale of $258 million of senior notes and a PIPE offering for a large automotive industry supplier The issuance and sale of $175 million of senior notes of a leading national clothing distributor in connection with the leveraged buyout of a clothing wholesaler The issuance and sale of $190 million of senior convertible notes for an international industrial automotive corporation The stock-for-stock squeeze-out merger of the publicly held minority interestof an Internet and telephone marketer of flowers and specialty gifts A series of investment grade and high yield debt offerings, totaling over $1.5 billion, for a global agricultural corporation The initial public offering and equity carve-out of the oilfield services division of a major chemical corporation The $180 million initial public offering ofa leading supplier of semiconductor process control and yield management solutions The issuance and sale of $150 million of senior subordinated notes of asemiconductor subcontract assembly corporation A series of investment grade and trust preferred securities offerings totaling over $1 billion for a global communications leader
- Indiana University School of Law -- Bloomington
- J.D.
- magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, Federal Communications Law Journal
- Kelley School of Business
- M.B.A.
- Finance
- Indiana University
- B.A.
- Economics & Philosphy, Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key Honor Society
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
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