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Professional Experience
- Counsel
- Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
- Current
- Current
- Microsoft Corporation Computer Acceleration Corp. v. Microsoft Won a complete defense jury trial verdict for Microsoft against Acacia subsidiary CAC, which sought over $750 million and a permanent injunction against Microsoft’s Windows XP® operating system. The jury found no infringement and invalidated the patent at issue.
- Current
- Microsoft Corporation AT&T Corp v. Microsoft Corp. Acting as amicus before the US Supreme Court in support of Microsoft, Weil Gotshal argued for a reversal of the Federal Circuit’s interpretation of Section 271(f). The Court’s opinion reversed, following many of the arguments advanced by Weil.
- Current
- Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. v. Rambus Inc. In this decisive victory for Samsung, Weil Gotshal persuaded the US District Court to estop Rambus from asserting infringement against Samsung based on Rambus’ unclean hands, spoliation of evidence, and misconduct. more
- Current
- American Intellectual Property Law Association In re Seagate Technology Representing American Intellectual Property Law Association as amicus before the Federal Circuit, Weil Gotshal argued foundational concepts surrounding attorney-client privilege and attorney work-product immunity which will have significant long-term implications for patent trial practice. The circuit’s en banc decision followed the attorney-client privilege arguments that Weil advanced.
- Current
- National Wildlife Federation and the Wyoming Wildlife Federation Ranch Dispute Represented, as amici curiae, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), a private not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of natural resources, and the Wyoming Wildlife Federation (WWF), which works to protect and enhance wildlife habitat, to protect citizens’ rights to use public lands and waters and to promote ethical hunting and fishing.
- University of Texas at Austin
- J.D.
- with high honors
- University of Texas at Austin
- B.S.E.E.
Articles & Publications
Speaking Engagements
- We Won - Now What? A Patentee’s Guide To Post-Verdict Remedies (October 01, 2004) Presented at 9th Annual Advanced Patent Law Institute
- Patent Primer (San Diego, October 01, 1998)
Websites & Blogs
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