Ali Shahrestani,

Ali Shahrestani,

Exclusive Representation for Discerning Clients Since 2007
  • Education Law, Divorce, Business Law ...
  • California, Massachusetts, New York
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&ASocial Media

With a progressive law practice since 2007, Mr. Ali Shahrestani is a bi-coastal litigation attorney representing international and domestic clients in state and federal legal matters in CA, NY, and MA. He has been featured in print and TV news for his legal expertise, is a recipient of multiple awards and a graduate of top rated universities with honors, and has donated much effort and time to public education, legal journalism, and social justice activism.

1) Education Law - K-12, College, Graduate, Students, Teachers, Schools
2) Divorce & Child Custody - High Conflict, LGBTQ, Father's Rights
3) Business, Contracts, & Real Estate Law - Litigation, Transactions, ADR

"The comfort I found in trusting my trial outcome to Ali was reinforced with every interaction. He was brilliant in the courtroom, assuming control and extracting the real truth from those who absolutely did not want to give it. He is alive and passionate and at all times I felt that the case was every bit as important to him as it was to me. With Ali, I won my case on every single issue and every single point. ... He is my lawyer for life! Do yourself the favor of getting to know him."
- Business Testimonial

"Honestly, I have tears in my eyes as I am writing this. I feel so blessed and lucky to have found you online. This case was very, very important to me since it was about my child, and I could not have asked for a better person to represent us. I felt like you cared about my son as much as I do."
- Education Testimonial

"During our court hearings I never felt intimidated by [the opposing party] or [the opposing] attorney with you by my side. You and I know they were less than truthful. But as of now having turned [this age] I am able to hopefully make the right financial choices with what you have been able to do for me. I [am] very, very, happy with the final outcome with no regrets."
- Divorce Testimonial

Practice Areas
Education Law
Collaborative Law, Contested Divorce, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce
Business Law
Business Contracts, Business Litigation
Family Law
Child Custody, Father's Rights, Prenups & Marital Agreements, Restraining Orders, Same Sex Family Law
  • Credit Cards Accepted
    For Initial Consultations Only.
  • Rates, Retainers and Additional Information
    I offer a 1 hour paid phone consultation. To set a phone consultation, please visit my website: I provide legal representation exclusively through retainer advance payments and reasonable hourly rates. I do not offer percentage contingency fee structures.
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers
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New York
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9th Circuit
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US District Court Central District of CA
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US District Court Eastern District of CA
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US District Court Eastern District of NY
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US District Court Northern District of CA
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US District Court Southern District of CA
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US District Court Southern District of NY
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  • English: Spoken, Written
  • French: Spoken, Written
  • Italian: Spoken, Written
  • Persian: Spoken
  • Spanish: Spoken, Written
Professional Experience
Ali Shahrestani, Esq.
- Current
Brandeis University
B.A. | European Cultural Studies
Honors: Brandeis University is a top-tier university in Waltham, MA. Academic Honors: Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society member; Recipient of the Justice Louis D. Brandeis Scholarship; and national Harry S. Truman Scholarship Nominee.
Brandeis University Logo
University of California College of the Law, San Francisco
J.D. (2006) | Law
Honors: Recipient of the Bernard E. Witkin Award for Academic Excellence and Recipient of the CALI Excellence for the Future Award.
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Top Lawyers of America Nomination
Marquis Who's Who
Divorce Law Award Recipient
International Advisory Experts Award
Nominated as Top 100 Attorneys in the State
Association of American Trial Lawyers
Nomination for 2018
Lawyers of Distinction
Recognized as one of "Premier 100" Trial Attorneys of NY
The National Academy of Jurisprudence
Invited Scholar to a Congress on Iceland’s Democracy to develop Iceland’s new national Constitution, 2017.
Nominated as One of the “10 Best” Attorneys of the State of CA
American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
Invited to be Member: Top 100 Trial Lawyers
The National Trial Lawyers
Recognized as one of "Premier 100" Trial Attorneys of CA
The National Academy of Jurisprudence
Invited to be Member: Top 100 Trial Lawyers
The National Trial Lawyers
Invited for Lifetime Charter Membership
Top American Lawyers
Membership Invitation
National League of Renowned Attorneys
Recognized as one of "Premier 100" Trial Attorneys of CA
The National Academy of Jurisprudence
Nominated to be a Lifetime Member
America's Top 100 Attorneys
Rising Star
Super Lawyers
“Best Attorneys of America”, Invitation for Lifetime Membership
Rue Ratings
Top 100 Trial Lawyers
The National Trial Lawyers
Nominated as One of the “10 Best” Attorneys of the State of CA
American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
Nominated as One of the “10 Best” Attorneys of the State of CA
American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys
Selected for Membership to "The Nation's Top One Percent"
The National Association of Distinguished Counsel
Rated "Superb"
Top 100 Trial Lawyers
The National Trial Lawyers
Rated "Superb"
Nominee, Brandeis University
President Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
Justice Louis D. Brandeis Fellowship
Brandeis University
Excellence for the Future Award
Award for Academic Excellence
Bernard Witkin Award
Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
Professional Associations
New York State Bar Association
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Alameda County Bar Association
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Santa Clara County Bar Association
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California Lawyers for the Arts
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National Lawyers Guild
Member-at-Large, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, San Francisco, CA, 2008
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Iranian-American Bar Association
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American Bar Association
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Articles & Publications
Cultural Issues Related to Academic Plagiarism and Cheating Require a Nuanced Approach by School Administrators
The Fiduciary Rule, “Regulation Best Interests”, and Suitability Standards: Trump's Rollback of Obama Investor Protections
DeVos Title IX Rules Strengthen Due Process Rights in Schools
Police Brutality's Cure Lies in National Policing Standards
A Huge Game Changer! NY Joins CA and Eliminates "Severe or Pervasive" Standard in Workplace Sexual Harassment Cases, Marking Next Level of #MeToo Movement
Know Your Rights to Prevent Police Brutality and Civil Rights Violations
20 Logical Fallacies, or How Not to Debate!
The Storm of Domestic Violence: Divorce, Child Custody, Support, and Community Property
The 2019 College Admissions Scandal, Affirmative Action, and the Politics of Education
Disarm and Destroy: School Policies Prohibiting Attorney Representation in Administrative Proceedings - and How to Fight Back!
Manslaughter-by-Phone: The Tragedy of Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy
On the Rights of the Natural Person: The Unhealthy State of the Human Animal, the Environment, and Regulation.
New York's "Blindfold Law" is the Devil's Bargain and Should be Repealed Now
Apples and Peppers: Allowing End Users as well as Developers to Sue Apple for App Prices Violates Valid Precedent
The Facebook Hearing, the ‘Tech Company’ Misnomer, and the Luddite Gap in Congress
#BlackLivesMatter – A Movement that Should Lead to a Constitutional Amendment Creating A Direct Democracy
Anti-Father Gender Bias in Child Custody Court: A Saga of Parental Alienation, Child Abuse & CoParenting Failures.
Extensive Research: Women Initiate Domestic Violence More than Men, Men Under-report It.
Je ne suis pas Charlie: Hate Speech amidst “Freedom” Rhetoric
The Corruption Report: US Political Corruption at the Local, State & Federal Levels
Of Empires and Colonies: Oliver Stone’s “Untold History of the United States”
Will Farmers or 3rd Party Repair Shops Sue John Deere for Allegedly Contractually Prohibiting Unlicensed Tractor Repairs?
Argo's Iranophobia and the Destabilization of Iran for Oil Profits and Regional Domination
So You Want to Be a Lawyer?
The Law Lags Behind Tech, but Justice and Nature Demand Otherwise
Tort Reform, Defamation of Character, Depression in the Technology Age, and Other Modern Ethical Qualms
How Lawyers Work and Get Paid
The housing crisis has cost us lives now in Oakland
San Francisco Chronicle
No Housing, No Arts, No Community! – Oakland’s “Ghost Ship” Fire Born of Rental Pandemic
Be a Good Client: A Video Game Analogy on Winning Your Legal Battles
Lowering the Age of Consent is a Children’s Rights Issue
The Justice System is Broken. Why fix it when natural consequences will do a much better job?
Tort-Reform: Why Other Peoples’ Lawsuits Cost Us So Much Money & What To Do About It
What Real Democracy Looks Like: You at Your Laptop Making Stuff Happen
Why the Innocent Plead Guilty, and What We Should Do About It
Obama Universal Health Care Plan Is Unconstitutional, and Other Broken Promises of the Obama Administration
25 Brilliant Things To Do For Our Planet
California Sex Crime Laws in the Real World
Character is Everything
DIY Lawsuit? – Legal Protections for Small Businesses, DIY Culture, and the Maker Movement
Keep Your Word: A Contract is a Contract
Identity Theft and Your Business’s Liability to Your Clients’ Safety
Male Victims of Sexual Harassment Double from 1992 to 2008
Nuclear Bombs for Everyone: School Shootings, the 2nd Amendment, and School Negligence Lawsuits
Child Abductions, California Child Custody Law, and International Human Rights
Overview of California Trade Secrets Law and Trade Secrets Litigation
Overview of US Patent Litigation and US Patent Law
Renter Beware! Northern California Renter’s Rights in the Face of Real Estate Fraud and Investment Fraud
The New Face of the Coyote: Fraudulent Use of The Violence Against Women Act and State Divorce and Custody Laws
American Tea Party Helps Republicans Win the House in 2010
BART Cop gets 2 year Sentence for Killing Oscar Grant. Michael Vick received the same sentence for killing dogs.
Business Investment Fraud on the Rise
California Prison Reform amidst Private Prison Profiteers
California Same Sex Marriage Federal Lawsuit Rumbles amidst a Backdrop of Centuries of Catholic Church and State Interference in Marriage Rights
Political Speech, Activism, and Free Speech in Grade School Lawsuits
Proposition 19 Defeated by California Voters in 2010
School Bullying Is Illegal
Sexism in Divorce Court: A Comparative Understanding of the Case of Sakineh Ashtiani in Iran and Child Custody Statistics in California and the USA
Clash of Civilizations, American Jurisprudence, and Islamic Law and Policy in the Middle East
Environmental Pollution, Comparative Law, and Jurisprudence in California and India
The Debate over Mr. Hamdan: Sources of Law and The Three Branches
Speaking Engagements
Ali Shahrestani, Esq. Interview with Channel 2 Fox about California Foreclosure Auction Fraud, Oakland, CA
KGO-TV Channel 7 ABC Interview of Ali Shahrestani on June 9, 2014 re: O'Bannon v. NCAA Trial, Oakland, CA
Certified Parenting Coordinator & Special Master for High Conflict Child Custody Disputes
Northern California Mediation Center
Websites & Blogs
Legal Answers
6596 Questions Answered
Q. If Someone Owes A Bookie, Is This Person Legally Obligated To Pay? And Would If The Bookie Decided To Track This Person?
A: Was this a legal bet or part of illegal gambling activities? If you're facing assault or worse, you can report this to the police. If you're guilty of illegal gambling as well, you might face related criminal charges yourself. More details are necessary to provide a professional analysis of your issue. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney such as myself. You can read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website, I practice law in CA, NY, MA, WA, and DC in the following areas of law: Business & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This answer does not constitute legal advice; make any predictions, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship. ... Read More
Q. What do I need to do if the other parent of my child has mental, anger & verbal abusive behaviors, with no evidence.
A: Have you filed for child custody and visitation orders? Typically in such requests, you can state your facts, observations, and attach related declarations from witnesses attesting to these allegations. Are you in divorce proceedings already? More details are necessary to provide a professional analysis of your issue. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney such as myself. You can read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website, I practice law in CA, NY, MA, WA, and DC in the following areas of law: Business & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This answer does not constitute legal advice; make any predictions, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship. ... Read More
Q. Should I file something to request more statements? Or wait till first family resolution conference? (details below)
A: You may need to file a related discovery motion to compel further discovery. Have you reached out to opposing counsel to request more thorough replies? There are procedural rules that are related to filing such a motion. You may consider limited scope representation as an option that is more budget friendly if you're pro se due to financial reasons. More details are necessary to provide a professional analysis of your issue. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney such as myself. You can read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website, I practice law in CA, NY, MA, WA, and DC in the following areas of law: Business & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This answer does not constitute legal advice; make any predictions, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship. ... Read More
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San Francisco Bay Area. By Appointment Only.
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Tuesday: 8 AM - 7 PM
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Los Angeles. By Appointment Only.
11400 West Olympic Boulevard
Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Toll-Free: (800) 510-3916
Monday: 8 AM - 7 PM (Today)
Tuesday: 8 AM - 7 PM
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Thursday: 8 AM - 7 PM
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Manhattan. By Appointment Only.
276 5th Avenue
Suite 704
New York, NY 10001
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Boston. By Appointment Only.
100 Cambridge Street
14th Floor
Boston, MA 02114
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Silicon Valley. By Appointment Only.
177 Park Avenue
Suite 200
San Jose, CA 95113
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Oakland and East Bay. By Appointment Only.
505 14th Street
Suite 900
Oakland, CA 94612
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Brooklyn. By Appointment Only.
41 Flatbush Avenue
Floor 1
Brooklyn, NY 11217
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Monday: 8 AM - 7 PM (Today)
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San Diego. By Appointment Only
1455 Frazee Road
Suite 500
San Diego, CA 92108
Toll-Free: (800) 510-3916
Monday: 8 AM - 7 PM (Today)
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Thursday: 8 AM - 7 PM
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